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Artsy stew (or hash?)

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Kalkkuna,paleo — Meri @ 20.37

Well no, Artsy Stew ain’t some kitsch artist but rather a bit kitsch dish. I don’t even have a photo of it because a) I was too hungry and it was so good and b) because it ain’t that photogenic. Anyway, am gonna share with you, love your artsy stews, create your own!


[A day later: had to make it immediately again since it was sooo good!]

Artsy stew

  • veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, turnip)
  • spring onion
  • salt, pepper, organic shoy soy sauce
  • deli (smoked) turkey or meat
  • coconut milk

Peel and roughly chop the veggies and spring onion and boil in a little water until tender but still al dente, not totally mushed. Pour away excess water and mush the veggies with a fork. Not into a puré but into something stewie. Season with salt, pepper and if you like, soy sauce. Chop some thinly sliced smoked turkey or ham and mix, transfer the stew onto your plate. Finish with a generous splash of coconut milk and enjoy immediately! Delish.

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