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Bits and pieces

Filed under: Arkiruoka,paleo — Meri @ 19.10

Just something from down the road… Maybe to inspire you, perhaps to make you hungry FOR MORE!



Some domestic apples dried in a food drier: first sliced, then spiced up with cinnamon and then dried. Brings X-mas instantly. Apple slices may also be dried in room temperature or in an very low temperature oven, the hatch ajar.


I just adore organic, lightly salted tahini with raw carrots and cabbage. Makes a beautiful and quick snack!


…and just to remind you of the deliciousness of some oven roasted root vegetables (aka starchy tubers – prefer less starchy). Peel and cut the tubers, chop into small cubes or “fries” and mix a generous amount of olive oil, paprika spice and some salt in them. Bake on an oven tray for about 30-70 minutes in 200 degrees depending how black you like them. As we all remember from the grill season, the charred carcinogens taste SO good even tho they’re really not that recommendable.


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    Comment by Sanam — 28.12.2015 @ 9.25

  2. ohh tengo tareaa!! a la brevedad que la hago en mi blog. por cierto ame la anectdota de trying not to sale dreams… de cuando la vistieron de violeta de verdad ame ame la anecdota que dulzuraaa! 😀

    Comment by — 12.7.2016 @ 0.43

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