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Paleossa on munaa.

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Maidoton,paleo,Vege — Meri @ 9.42

Jaskan kysymykseen liittyen olen pohdiskellut, kuinka valmistaa helposti paljon proteiinia ja rasvaa sisältäviä, edullisia (oma määre, rahadieetillä ollaan) ja hyviä paleopaloja. Inspiraatio iski Everyday Paleon muffinsseista eli Egg Cupcake -ohjeesta, joka on melko lähellä louffia, mutta ei ihan samaa perhettä silti. Ohjeessa on vielä kehittelemisen varaa, mutta näistä tuli maukkaita ja ovat hyviä sekä kylmänä että lämpimänä. Halusin myös tieten tahtoen tehdä kasvisruokaa.

Luomumuna, iso sielu.

Sielukkaat munamuffinssit

  • 6 luomumunaa
  • 2 porkkanaa
  • 1 prk kokonaisia herkkusieniä (360g, valuta ja huuhtele)
  • 2 rkl kookosjauhoa
  • 2 rkl pellavansiemenrouhetta
  • kourallinen cashew-pähkinöitä
  • pala voita
  • loraus kookosmaitoa
  • suolaa, pippuria

Laita uuni lämpenemään n. 180-200 asteeseen. Ota silikonimuffinssivuoka esille  tai voitele tavallinen muffinssivuoka, voit käyttää myös paperisia muffinssimuotteja. Paahda cashew-pähkinöitä kuivalla pannulla, lisää lopuksi joukkoon hyvä määrä voita. Jätä jäähtymään. Vatkaa munat kulhossa kunnolla rikki. Jauha raa’at porkkanat ja herkkusienet blenderissä pieneksi silpuksi, ei kuitenkaan soseeksi. Lisää murske muniin. Lorauta joukkoon kookosmaitoa, lisää kookos- ja pellavajauho ja lopuksi cashew’t voineen päivineen. Sekoita ja mausta suolalla ja pippurilla.

Kaada massa muffinssivuokiin, määrästä tulee kuusi jättimuffinssia Jamien muffinssivuoassa ja varmaankin lukuisia pienempiä. Muotit voi kaataa lähes täyteen, sillä taikina ei kohoa. Paista n. 20 minuuttia kunnes massa on jähmettynyt ja ota uunista jäähtymään. Syö. Herkkusienet tuovat muffinsseihin jännää lihaisuutta ja cashewt purutuntumaa. Muffinssit ovat täyttäviä ja tekevät tyytyväiseksi.


A Hundred Year Old Carrot Pudding

Tasty pudding for a side dish.

There were some interesting traditional recipes in the national newspaper the other week. One of them was called the carrot pudding. For me a pudding is not something appealing but apparently the word may be used very liberally. This is more like a carrot casserole to me, resembles quite a lot the traditional Finnish Christmas course porkkanalaatikko. Thanks to the grating of the semi-cooked carrots the consistency is surprisingly grainy and almost brings a porridge in mind. Not in a bad way, unless you’re my mom who loathes porridge.

I liked this a lot and it was also good cold. It may be seasoned in different ways. I would’ve used nutmeg like in the original recipe but I was out of that so I replaced it with something bit more exotic. Cardamom, tarragon or curry powder might also work.

Carrots the old way

Beta Carotene Pudding

  • 500 g organic carrots
  • 3 organic eggs
  • 2 Tbsp coconut flour
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 3 dl coconut milk
  • 1,5 tsp salt
  • nutmeg/jeera/curry powder/tarragon/cardamom – choose one

Boil or steam the carrots so that they soften a bit but indeed won’t get all mushy! Grate the carrots and mix them with coconut milk, coconut flour, eggs, melted butter and spices. Pour into a silicon mould (or a normal one buttered and floured) and bake in 175 (or more!) for until the pudding settles. Maybe 40 minutes?

For added taste sprinkle first coconut flour on the top of the pudding and then nutritional yeast. After oven this has formed the cheesy topping. In the original recipe from 1910 they also suggest to “form wavelike figures on the top” but I just skipped that. Lazy me.


A Tribute to Smashing Pumpkins

Smashing good.

Smashing Pumpkins is an inseparable part of me and my growing up. Listening to their music throws me back in time to all those passionate feelings I went trough as a teenager under 20. Oh, those nerve racking times when the world was just filled with emotion! Aaaaah. Smashing Pumpkins was the purrfect companion on the road to adulthood. Energy, sorrow, rage, longing, despair and love in an artsy enough yet approachable package. Something to adore.

And let’s not forget, I was born in 1979.

This, Kukka and pumpkin season inspired me to try something not very Finnish: a pumpkin pie which I believe is very common and loved in the States. And yes, I can see why after tasting it. An autumny (this adjective always makes me think of Tumnus) and christmassy combination of spices and tastes is a genuine comfort food. My version is naturally as paleo as can be. The only exception would be the stevia.

Have some pie, agent Cooper.

Pumpkin Pie for the Paleo


  • 3 dl pureéd pumpkin (I roasted the pumpkin cubes in the oven and then pureéd it)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • cinnamon
  • cloves
  • ginger
  • (…or just use the gingerbread spice)
  • vanilla stevia

Mix everything and adjust the taste. Prepare the “crust”.

Crust (you may do which ever version you like, I made this)

  • butter
  • coconut flakes/desiccated coconut
  • some pecans

Melt the butter and ground the pecans and the coconut flakes but be careful not to turn them into flour! They should be a bit coarse. Mix with butter and spread in a pie tin. Set in the fridge for awhile to settle. When the crust is settled, spread the filling on it and bake in 175 degrees for about 45 to 60 minutes, until it’s settled.

NOTE that this recipe makes a very small pie and hence it’s very thin, be careful not to burn it, cover with foil if needed. You may want to prepare a bigger batch for the normal pie tin, I just didn’t have any more pumpkin.

As an added treat, prepare meringue on top!


  • 2 (or more) egg whites
  • stevia or sugar to sweeten it

Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Spread on the baked pumpkin pie and bake in 150 degrees until the meringue turn a bit golden, maybe 8 to 12 minutes.

Pumpkin pie’s worth trying, whether you prepare the old-fashioned or the paleo way. Believe in me as I believe in you.


It sure looks like veggies (but tastes like pizza)

This is a simple and satisfying side order to go with some smoked salmon or maybe organic chicken. In my mind (and in my mouth to be exact) this tastes like pizza so it does makes me happy… In a way that no pizza would do. Anyway, I’m too coward to promise you a definate pizza experience but even as what it is – veggies seasoned with oregano – it’s delicious. Nothing too fancy but oh so satiating. Eggplant works the best sucking all the flavours in!


Pizza Vegetariana

  • half of an large eggplant
  • half of an large zucchini
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 dl pureed tomato (or crushed tomato) in a can
  • 2-3 Tbs nutritional yeast
  • dried oregano
  • butter, salt, water

Chop the veggies into generous bites, carrots more thinly. Fry the veggies in a heavy amount of butter on a large skillet. Add the canned tomato and a little water. Season with oregano, salt and nutritional yest. Let it cook up until it’s more like a stew than a sauce and so that the tomato loses its bitterness. There you go. Uno Pizza Vegetariana, por favor.


The Whiter Shade of Pale (aka paleo ice cream)

It’s not EXACTLY paleo to even try preparing ice cream but since I’m not following EXACTLY paleo diet but more eating based on all the knowledge on what’s best for humans for their health (and longevity and performance, thanks Robb!) such as butter and some dark chocolate and red wine combined with the ancestral diet I just gave it a go. And it turned out delish! I haven’t had real ice cream in so long that I say: this is JUST like ice cream! Go nuts on the sugar festival!


Chunky Monkey goes paleo

  • 1 ripe fair trade banana
  • 4 dl of coconut cream
  • 1 pod of vanilla bean
  • 2 organic eggs
  • (cinnamon)

Peel the banana and put in in the blender together with coconut cream and eggs. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape the seeds into the mixture. Add some cinnamon if you like; I thought it made all the difference. Blend until thoroughly  mixed. Move into a large dish and set it it the freezer. After an hour or more start visiting your ice cream every now and then to mix it up: scrape the icy bits and mix them with the still softer mass. This will make the consistency more airy and icecreamy. Eat when the level of stickiness suits you. Garnish with nuts or seeds or fresh pineapple fried in butter! Or just eat plain.



Sweeter Shade of Pale (this one was too sweet for me but it may suit you)

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 dl coconut cream
  • 1 organic egg
  • 1 vanilla pod

Prepare as above. Eat away!


Hearts of Butter

Filed under: Alakarppi,Gluteeniton,Nuts!,paleo,Vege — Meri @ 6.17

Doesn’t that sound romantic? Like a movie that sadly was never made. Luckily it’s easy to shoot this one home. I’m talking about the intelligent, articulate and witty Nora Gedgaudas‘ Nut Truffles from her book Primal Body, Primal Mind which I recommend EVERYONE to read. Working on getting it translated in Finnish as well.

Here’s the very basic recipe which you can then tune up by adding cocoa powder, seeds, coconut oil, coconut flour,  stevia, bee pollen, cocoa nibs… You know, whatever “floats your boat”. Cinnamon maybe?


Nut Butter Truffles

  • 230 g nut butter (not cashew or peanut, for example almond will do and it’s easy to make yourself out of Brazilian nuts, that’s what I did, just blend the nuts until they form a moist butter)
  • 1 cup (2,4 dl) of nuts (I used pecans and almonds)
  • 0,5 cups (1,2 dl) shredded coconut
  • 0,5 Tbs vanilla extract
  • 115 g (organic) butter
  • good quality salt

Prepare the nut butter if you’re not buying it ready made. Chop nuts in a blender until preferred chunkiness, don’t turn them into flour. Mix everything and spice it up with vanilla and some salt. At least I find Finnish organic butter to be too low in salt to make these delish. Form some sort of balls or just use a ice cube mold like I did. Spoon the mixture into the mold and refrigerate at least an hour. And action! Works as a snack, dessert or an add in at the breakfast. THANKS, Nora! For everything.


Mindful Monkey Mush

Awwwhh, this was good! Continuing on the raw side of life this also turned to be not just paleo and low carb but vegan as well. So it really suits everyone doesn’t it? Here’s just the basic idea, you may vary the vegetables and season it with chili or garlic or peppers or oregano. Still, it’s a perfect dish for the hottest day of the summer that’ll also please you delicate tummy being easy to digest.


Monkey Mush

  • generous amount of chinese cabbage
  • some broccoli florets
  • a tomato
  • a junk of courgette (aka zucchini)
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • coconut milk
  • quality salt

Chop the veggies a bit and mush them in a blender. Pour in some nice coconut milk to make it more like a stew or even a soup if you like. Spice it up with salt and whateva! Tasty as hell and filling, thanks to the coconut.


Girls’ Cauliflower

I just had a wonderful weekend at my friend’s mom and dad’s summer house. As you may guess we also ate some brilliant food: self grown courgettes, freshly smoked salmon, strawberries, Asian fish stew and my friends also ate Maija’s freshly baked bread that at least smelled awfully good and cosy. And besides all this we also had some cauliflower salad that’s my friend’s family’s innovation. Yep, I think it’s an innovation; sort of a marinated and sort of a salad but better than each alone.

I made this already on Sunday to try it out myself and it turned out as good as it should. Also Meat Eater liked it tho he preferred onion over cauliflower.


The Kiikala Cauliflower

  • a cauliflower or two
  • onion (preferably spring onion but red onion and other will do)
  • balsamico
  • good quality olive or other oil

Tear the florets from the cauliflower into a big bowl. Chop the onion/onions and add. Splash some generous amount of oil and add balsamico. Use maybe a third compered to the amount of oil. Mix well and let sit in the fridge as long as you can hold it. Works after couple of hours but is ultimate after one night. A brilliant side for fish, meat or to season a salad. And you can prepare a bigger amount and eat it several days in a row… If it’ll keep.

And once again, a billion thanks to all the girls! It was priceless. <3 Wanna do it AGAIN!


Dinner with Juhana

I had a dinner with Juhana the other week, Juhana being the blogger behind an interesting (and may I say sophisticated) nutrition/health blog Aamiainen ruohikolla. Among other things, mostly nutritional, we discussed some new meal inventions. We are both devoted fans of coconut milk and Juhana told about his reoccurring desire to mix coconut milk, champignons and fresh coriander. Sounds lovely! And is.


Juhana works his Magic

  • fresh champignons
  • (veggies such as eggplant, cauliflower, cabbage and/or bellpepper)
  • coconut milk
  • fresh coriander (aka cilantro)
  • turmeric, curry and possibly some sliced fresh ginger
  • salt

Heat a little coconut oil in a pan and chop mushrooms and veggies, let fry or almost roast for a good while. Add a generous amount of coconut milk and continue cooking until the liquid’s gone down a bit. Season with salt and chop a whole bunch of fresh coriander, mix. After adding coriander take off the heat and prepare to eat.

Goes well as it is but is also excellent with some “paleo rice” (not cauliflower this time) by which I mean just some chopped salad or thinly sliced cabbage. The taste combo works big time!


I can has Mayo

Filed under: Alakarppi,Gluteeniton,laktoositon,Maidoton,paleo,Soosit,Vege — Meri @ 19.32

I know, it’s not really something to cheer on when following a paleolithic diet, the vegetable oils with all their omega 6 fatty acids, but hey, one needs to have some mayo time to time. At least it’s not like it would contain gluten or dairy or carbs or any other sch*it 😉 It’s a decent form of fat! And beautiful. Have a look:


I tried multiple variations to make it more paleo (virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil et cetera) but no, they ruin the taste. So this is it. And the tuning possibilities are juicy!


  • 1 organic egg
  • 2 tsps organic raw apple vinegar
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 0,5 tsp salt
  • 0,5 cups (1,2 dl) olive oil (light one! not the extra virgin stuff)
  • 0,5 cups (1,2 dl) canola oil

Break the egg in a blender, add vinegar, mustard and salt. Let whizz for awhile. Add a quarter of the oil, that is, 0,25 cups. Whizz again and repeat until you’ve added all the oil. And tadaa! The magic has happened. You can has mayo!

Tartar Sauce

  • mayo
  • chopped pickled cucumber

Enjoy with some smoked salmon, awwwh.

Ultimate Tuna Spread

  • a can of tuna in oil
  • mayo

Mix! Eat with a spoon or on a pale bread, lettuce, with veggies or… on a burger? What ever floats your paleo boat. Make some cole slaw! My favourite.


[Mayo with cabbage. Mmm, mmmmmy boats floating!]

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