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Sucking Asparagus

Filed under: Alakarppi,paleo — Meri @ 15.33

The “joke” of the topic might not open up to anyone other outside Finland but so it shall be. Nothing much to tell, just showing you some fresh asparagus beauty wrapped in a supersize salami slice bought from Roiniset in Hakaniemen halli. Tasty and easy, just boiled the asparagus a couple of minutes and gave her the precious salami cape! Superhero suitable for an appetizer?



  1. Looks really delicious. Hakaniemen halli is just awesome!

    Comment by jussi — 11.6.2010 @ 16.34

  2. Jussi, halli rules! Today there was a three men band playing, loving it! Also from Roiniset there’s a German liver paté (maksamakkara) that doesn’t contain gluten or dairy, it’s delicious!

    Comment by ylimuuli — 19.6.2010 @ 14.53

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