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Loaf Reminder


Just to keep you ON YOUR TOES!! No, but seriously, to remind you of this brilliant possibility to have some alteration in the menu: minced meat bends so easily into a loaf, non of the fuss that’s included in meatballs or burgers but the juicy tastiness! Variable, easy, perfect to keep in the fridge and to bite when ever you feel like it. Could “bake” some boiled eggs into it or whatever you wish. Mine consisted this time of:

  • minced lamb meat
  • organic egg
  • onion
  • garlic
  • fresh basil
  • puréed tomato (I found one from Rainbow which DOESN’T INCLUDE SUGAR! …or any other sh*t)
  • salt, pepper, oregano

Chop onion, basil and garlic, mix ingredients, season and taste. For into a loaf on an oven tray, bake for about an hour, 175-200 degrees.


  1. Hey, dear! I’m planning on loosing my red meat virginity this Easter and experiment with some organic ground lamb. Most likely incorporating some Mediterranean flavors into them. Just wanted to tell you, that there are many tomato puree brands out there without anything except tomato! Especially Citymarket carries a delicious organic tomato paste, which is also pretty cheap. It’s even in a glass jar!

    Comment by Aletheia — 26.3.2010 @ 13.34

  2. Darling Aletheia! GOOD LUCK on your journey back to meat eaters’ lovin’ bunch, hope your tummy doesn’t mind and that your tastebuds LOVE it. Can’t say I could ever imagine going back and giving up all these tasty, organic and ethical meats… Kind of fond of them. <3

    And brilliant to hear the pure tomato pastes are abundant in the markets, just have to look more carefully 🙂 Haven't been needing that in so long time that I've lost the touch... Sigh. And a glass jar's nice, this Rainbow one's in a carton so that's good too. Trying to avoid the metallic ones. Nice that you popped by! Been so busy that I've missed all blog posts from everyone else lately :-/

    Comment by ylimuuli — 26.3.2010 @ 16.35

  3. […] sijaan voit myös valmistaa perinteisemmän lihamurekkeen lihapullataikinasta. Melkein suosittelen muotoilemaan taikinasta pellille kaksi pitkulaista […]

    Pingback by MonkeyFood » Paleoliittiset arkienkelit — 9.1.2011 @ 20.15

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