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A Junk of Meat

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Lihaa,meat,paleo — Meri @ 21.10

…and what to do with it. I arranged a huge (well not huge but 130 kg anyway) order of meat some weeks ago. The idea was to buy some well kept (meaning ethical raising conditions) grass-fed meat of a quality beef from Highland Cattle. The whole procedure was more than easy and so the day arrived and our 10 kg share of meat. Six kilos minced meat, two kilos soup meat and two kilos silverside roast (or bottom side roast, ulkopaisti in Finnish).


Minced meat’s a piece of cake and the soup meat’s obvious. But in care anyone’s wondering what to do with the silverside roast here’s an ultimately easy and delicious recipe.

Love me tender

  • silverside roast
  • butter
  • garlic cloves
  • meat bouillon, from a cube or a fond (NOT containing MSG)
  • a carrot

Cut the roast into rough cubes. Fry on a pan in loads of butter to get a nice tan for the cubes. Put into an oven casserole together with peeled whole garlic cloves, cut carrot and enough beef bouillon to cover the meat. Cover the dish with a tin foil and let it cook in the oven 1,5 or 2 hours on a mild heat (150 degrees or so). Remove the tin foil and let it still cook for about an half an hour. And whoomp there it is! Tender, garlicky, tasty meat. Can’t get any better than this. Veeeeery paleo.


  1. Wow. Instead of turning to veg, which I find pretty boring, I’ve also been planning to order big chunks of meat few times per year. Would you mind giving some tips where to start at?

    Comment by tommi — 20.6.2010 @ 12.05

  2. Vaikuttaa huipulta. 🙂 Arkkupakastin ja massatilaus ois kyllä loistava kombo!

    Comment by Jussi Riekki — 21.6.2010 @ 9.41

  3. Arkkupakastin olisi kyllä niin loistava tällaista varten. Nyt on tullut ostettua lähinnä muutamia isompia satseja luomulammasta. Ei ole oikein tilaa kymmenille kiloille.

    Comment by Urbaani oranki — 22.6.2010 @ 11.25

  4. Tommi, well we ordered from Metsäojan tila ( but there are many others as well.. Maybe I should try to come up with a list?

    Jussi, olis kyllä, mutta arkkua en kotiini silti nyt ottais tilan vuoks! Mutta varsinkin jos asuu tilavammin niin ihanteellinen. 🙂

    Oranki, mistä ostat lampaasi, saako tiedustaa? Hakaniemen halli vai muualta? Onko luottoreseptejä? 😛

    Comment by Ylimuuli Mukkelis — 22.6.2010 @ 11.54

  5. Ehkä pitäisi perustaa reseptiblogi omille respteille. Lampaanjauhelihasta moussaka ei petä koskaan ja se on myös melko paleota. Vaikka Hakaniemen halliakin suosin, niin täältä olen saanut isompia määriä lihaa pakastimeen:

    Comment by Urbaani oranki — 23.6.2010 @ 12.18

  6. Oranki, ehkä! 😛 Moussakaa en olekaan tehnyt vuosiin… Pidän munakoisosta erityisen paljon. Lampaanjauhelihasta myös.

    Kiitos Tenhon tilan linkistä, täytyy kartoittaa lisää lihamahdollisuuksia!

    Comment by ylimuuli — 27.6.2010 @ 8.50

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