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You don’t have to be cool

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Maidoton,meat,paleo — Meri @ 16.40


…to rule my world, I just want your extra time and your – KISS! Food doesn’t have to be as complicated as relationships so here’s a few ideas to ease up your royal pain of running out of cooking time. Here’s to keeping it simple (stupid)!


Sausages! In Finnish: gnakei (Jaskalle terkkuja!)! Be sure to pick some quality ones that contain at least 80% meat and no E621. These nitrite free sausages are made by Vataja and are totally grain, dairy, soy and spice free. Not bad from an aisle product. The lack of spices naturally makes them lack taste which sure is bland, but if you’re not too picky, it’s easy to add some with quality ketchup, mustard, pickles, Croatian kajmak, mayonese, by grilling it black… Your call.


Or why not make yourself a nice ol’ steak, medium rare, baked in butter. I have a steak season going on so this is my common breakfast these days. Add some veggies, raw and/or cooked and finish off with a tablespoonful of coconut oil! Yummy.

Some other ideas

  • boiled/steamed veggies with a hefty amount of butter melted on top
  • steamed and then pureéd veggies, add butter and chop some salami in
  • omelette always works – have you tried it with adding a splash of coconut milk instead of water?
  • a big salad with a can of tuna in oil and one boiled egg
  • mackerel in tomato sauce and an apple (sweet and salty, mmm)
  • hummus/tahini and veggies
  • a generous amount of mayo mixed with tuna in oil, maybe add some lemon for twist
  • liver paté on a slice of zucchini

If (and when) you have better ideas, please share!


  1. Gnakit FTW!

    More of simple stuff:
    – browned minced meat with veggies
    – minced meat-coconut milk-chopped red cabbage stew (idea from Robb Wolf)
    – desert/snack: cook slized apples in coconut milk until soft, add plenty of cinnamon, purée it in a blender and put into fridge overnight. Tasty, fatty “pudding”.
    – desert/snack: berries with loads of coconut oil and some cacao powder/nibs/shavings/dark chocolate. If the berries are cold (ie from a fridge) the coconut oil will solidify into tasty small nuggets when mixed, yummy.

    Comment by Jaska — 29.9.2010 @ 16.01

  2. Forgot to add that the apple coconut pudding idea is from Andy Deas and mentioned in the Paleolithic solution podcast, not trying to steal anyones ideas 🙂

    Comment by Jaska — 30.9.2010 @ 9.28

  3. Jaska, gnakkit FTW!

    Nice list, thanks! Most of the recipes are already shared here in Monkeyfood. The Deas’ pudding as well… Tho I was a tad disappointed in that. It might work better with some added coconut oil like some of the listeners had done or maybe with different fruit? And I could just live solely on coconut oil, too delish.

    Berry nuggets! Excellent. Now I’m starting to wait to get invited YOUR house to have dinner 😛

    Comment by ylimuuli — 30.9.2010 @ 17.22

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