I know, it’s not really something to cheer on when following a paleolithic diet, the vegetable oils with all their omega 6 fatty acids, but hey, one needs to have some mayo time to time. At least it’s not like it would contain gluten or dairy or carbs or any other sch*it 😉 It’s a decent form of fat! And beautiful. Have a look:
I tried multiple variations to make it more paleo (virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil et cetera) but no, they ruin the taste. So this is it. And the tuning possibilities are juicy!
- 1 organic egg
- 2 tsps organic raw apple vinegar
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard
- 0,5 tsp salt
- 0,5 cups (1,2 dl) olive oil (light one! not the extra virgin stuff)
- 0,5 cups (1,2 dl) canola oil
Break the egg in a blender, add vinegar, mustard and salt. Let whizz for awhile. Add a quarter of the oil, that is, 0,25 cups. Whizz again and repeat until you’ve added all the oil. And tadaa! The magic has happened. You can has mayo!
Tartar Sauce
- mayo
- chopped pickled cucumber
Enjoy with some smoked salmon, awwwh.
Ultimate Tuna Spread
- a can of tuna in oil
- mayo
Mix! Eat with a spoon or on a pale bread, lettuce, with veggies or… on a burger? What ever floats your paleo boat. Make some cole slaw! My favourite.
[Mayo with cabbage. Mmm, mmmmmy boats floating!]