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Lataa itsellesi suomenkielisiä paleoruokaohjeita

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,laktoositon,paleo — Meri @ 17.15

Olen koonnut ja suomentanut Monkeyfood.netin resepteistä joitakin ja pistänyt ne nippuun, toivottavasti jollekulle kelpaa! Loppupuolen ohjeissa on käytetty paleosta poiketen joitakin maitotuotteita.

Lataa Monkeyfood – luola-apinan paleoruokaohjeet itsellesi tästä (pdf-tiedosto)


You’ve been paleo’d

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Lihaa,Maidoton,meat,paleo — Meri @ 12.52

…which is better than punk’d! This time I managed to paleolize (YES it’s a word!) a very traditional Finnish food that is EVERY child’s favourite. Lihamakaroonilaatikko (translates as a casserole made of minced meat and pasta.) Since there’s no need for a human to eat any pasta and lots of reasons to eat none, it’s naturally better to just ditch the wheat devil. Before I went fully paleo I used to do this by replacing the pasta with cottage cheese. That’s also an excellent choice.

But since I’ve also ditched all dairy (except butter) I had to come up with a new solution. This following was sort of an accident, but aren’t the best inventions always? Like jeans? Yep. This is goooood as Jim Carrey would put it.


Paleo Casserole

  • minced meat
  • 3-4 organic eggs
  • 1 dl coconut milk
  • 2-3 Tbsps coconut flour
  • mushroom and/or eggplant (aka aubergine – sounds so much better)
  • onion
  • butter, salt, pepper

Chop the onion and fry in butter. Add minced meat and brown. Put the mixture in an (silicone) oven mould. Mix in some roughly chopped mushroom or eggplant: the key is their consistency which is sort of fluffy one. Add a splash of coconut milk, four eggs and couple of spoons coconut flour. Mix well but don’t overdo it. Season with salt and pepa. Pour into the mould and note that it’s better if the mould isn’t full of the mixture but rather it should make a bit thinner, omelette like form.

Bake in 200 degrees for about 30 to 40 minutes or until settled. Serve with ketchup! Supa delish!

P.S. This one would also LOVE the paleo’d cheesy crust: mixed coconut flour and nutritional yeast on top, drool 😛


Match Made in Monkeyfood

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Maidoton,paleo,Sallad — Meri @ 20.38

I recently (i.e. yesterday morning) discovered another combo of flavours that works together like charm. Since I don’t believe in heaven or jesus or hell or stuff, I just have to call it a match made in Monkeyfood. Which is, anyway, pretty accurate.


[This ain’t the real thing but an evening meal with cabbage, fresh mint and parsley (cheers, Peppi!), coconut milk, salt, pepper and a cut sausage.]

Tangy Tuna Salad

  • some veggies and or salad (lettuce, cucumber, bellpepper, zucchini… )
  • tuna in oil
  • avocado
  • a hint of balsamic vinegar
  • freshly grounded black pepper
  • a little quality salt

Combine into a salad as you wish. Somehow the oily saltiness of the tuna, the creamy taste of the avocado, the tangy and a bit sweet bite of the balsamic vinegar and the hotness added with black pepper just hits a nerve. In a good way. A very, very good way. So, have yourself a merry little morning (oh yes, it’s October and I’m allowed to think of X-MAS!!).


You don’t have to be cool

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Maidoton,meat,paleo — Meri @ 16.40


…to rule my world, I just want your extra time and your – KISS! Food doesn’t have to be as complicated as relationships so here’s a few ideas to ease up your royal pain of running out of cooking time. Here’s to keeping it simple (stupid)!


Sausages! In Finnish: gnakei (Jaskalle terkkuja!)! Be sure to pick some quality ones that contain at least 80% meat and no E621. These nitrite free sausages are made by Vataja and are totally grain, dairy, soy and spice free. Not bad from an aisle product. The lack of spices naturally makes them lack taste which sure is bland, but if you’re not too picky, it’s easy to add some with quality ketchup, mustard, pickles, Croatian kajmak, mayonese, by grilling it black… Your call.


Or why not make yourself a nice ol’ steak, medium rare, baked in butter. I have a steak season going on so this is my common breakfast these days. Add some veggies, raw and/or cooked and finish off with a tablespoonful of coconut oil! Yummy.

Some other ideas

  • boiled/steamed veggies with a hefty amount of butter melted on top
  • steamed and then pureéd veggies, add butter and chop some salami in
  • omelette always works – have you tried it with adding a splash of coconut milk instead of water?
  • a big salad with a can of tuna in oil and one boiled egg
  • mackerel in tomato sauce and an apple (sweet and salty, mmm)
  • hummus/tahini and veggies
  • a generous amount of mayo mixed with tuna in oil, maybe add some lemon for twist
  • liver paté on a slice of zucchini

If (and when) you have better ideas, please share!


I’d do anything for loaf (and I will do this)

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Lihaa,Maidoton,meat,paleo — Meri @ 16.05

This meaty course is dedicated to the legendary Meatloaf. A simple yet catchy tune, this porky bit.


Pork Loaf

  • 500 g organic pork meat, minced
  • 1 organic egg
  • 1 onion
  • 1 dl coconut milk
  • 2 Tbsp coconut flour
  • 1,5 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • salt, pepper

Yes, it’s the very same recipe I use for burgers and meatballs but just to remind you, it also works as a loaf. And there’s nothing easier than a loaf. Just grate the onion and mix all the ingredients. Put in a (silicone) oven mold and bake in approx. 200 degrees for a good 40 minutes or until the loaf’s settled. Made out of greasy pork meat this is DELISH!


For all You Badgers Out There: Mushroom!

A little preliminary cooking inspiration, may I present, the classic: Badger Badger Badger!

…I was lucky enough to got offered some freshly picked mushroom the other day at work. Our speech therapist is a true forest fairy (even her name is Peppi – a suitable name for an elf) picking mushroom, running in the woods, taking her dogs for a walk. Thanks to her magic I had a huge bowl of cep mushroom (tatteja)! And they were my first. Ever. I’ve never cooked ceps before and I’ve only eaten them a couple of times in a restaurant. Did you know that when you bake them on a pan they mush and form a creamy sauce? Wonderful!

So it was good, no, it was better! I LOVE these! They almost win chantarelles, I must say. Anyway, this is what I did.


Mushroom Mushroom

  • a bowlful of ceps
  • butter
  • onion
  • garlic
  • coconut milk
  • salt

Chop the onion, garlic  and the ceps. Fry onion and garlic on the pan in a large amount of butter. Add the mushroom and let it cook for a good ten minutes, stirring often. Add a splash of coconut milk (say 1 dl) and cook it down a little. Season with salt. Now: you may as well eat it as it is, but I did the following and boy was that delicious!

Mushroom Bake

  • mushroom sauce
  • baked organic minced pork meat

Set the minced meat on the bottom of an oven casserole. Cover with the mushroom sauce. Sprinkle coconut flour and nutritional yeast on top to create a cheesy crust if you like. Bake in approx. 200 degrees for a good 20 minutes. Enjoy with sauerkraut and/or lingonberries and vegetables.


There’s more fish in the paleo sea

Ain’t saying that this would be anything new under the Monkey sun and ain’t saying this is something spectacular, but just to remind you of the variety in paleo cooking, I present yet again an oven-baked dish. Easy, simple, delish. Will keep a couple of days in the fridge and is tasty hot and cold.


[A forkful.]

Fishy stuff

  • smoked whitefish (in my case, savusiika, “lavaret”) OR smoked salmon
  • fresh champignons
  • 3-4 onions
  • 2,5 dl coconut milk
  • 3 organic eggs
  • salt and pepper if needed

Chop the onion and champignons, fry in butter until tender and golden. Rip the fish into bite size bits and put in an oven casserole together with the onion-mushroom mix. Mix in a separate bowl the coconut milk and eggs, season if the fish isn’t too salty. Bake in approx. 200 degrees until the bake is settled, about 40 minutes. Enjoy hot or cold. I’d say it’s even better when it’s cold!

If you want a cheesy crust in your fish pie, try this dairy free Monkey trick:

  • coconut flour
  • nutritional yeast

Combine equal amount of these too and sprinkle on top of the casserole before baking it. Forms a nice salty crust as you can see here:



It sure looks like veggies (but tastes like pizza)

This is a simple and satisfying side order to go with some smoked salmon or maybe organic chicken. In my mind (and in my mouth to be exact) this tastes like pizza so it does makes me happy… In a way that no pizza would do. Anyway, I’m too coward to promise you a definate pizza experience but even as what it is – veggies seasoned with oregano – it’s delicious. Nothing too fancy but oh so satiating. Eggplant works the best sucking all the flavours in!


Pizza Vegetariana

  • half of an large eggplant
  • half of an large zucchini
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 dl pureed tomato (or crushed tomato) in a can
  • 2-3 Tbs nutritional yeast
  • dried oregano
  • butter, salt, water

Chop the veggies into generous bites, carrots more thinly. Fry the veggies in a heavy amount of butter on a large skillet. Add the canned tomato and a little water. Season with oregano, salt and nutritional yest. Let it cook up until it’s more like a stew than a sauce and so that the tomato loses its bitterness. There you go. Uno Pizza Vegetariana, por favor.


Yosa Ruoka&Dippi pelastaa gluteenittoman ja maidottoman

Filed under: Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,laktoositon,Maidoton,Soosit,Vegan — Meri @ 6.58

And again I’m blogging in Finnish since this is about a new Finnish gluten-free dairy-free product and not sold elsewhere. So hang in there, my English readers, this is not turning into a Finnish written but I’ll just make some occasional visits to mother tongue.


[Kuva Biofermen sivuilta, omat purkkimme olivat syödyt ennen kuin pääsin kameraan kiinni!]

Eli suomeksi mennään! Sain kesän alussa kotimaiselta pieneltä yritykseltä Biofermeltä postia ja sitten lähetyksen: katsokaa mallia Pastanjauhajilta, sain samanlaisen, käsittämättömän anteliaan setin! Kyseessä on siis kaupassa myytävistä kaurapohjaisista hapatetuista “jogurtinomaisista” tuotteista vastuussa oleva firma, joka lähestyi uuden tuotteensa esittelyasioissa. Yosa-valmisteet ovat kaurasta hapattamalla valmistettuja eivätkö siis sisällä gluteenia tai maitotuotteita lainkaan.

Makeampia jogurtteja tai muita en kaipaakaan, mutta uusin tuotteensa Ruoka&Dippi tuli ihan tarpeeseen. Kyseessä on ruokacrémen tapaan käytettävä tuote, jolla saa kastikkeisiin jne. kermaista tuntua. Ja maukasta sellaista! Pelkästään maisteltuna Ruoka&Dippi maistuu lähinnä maustamattomalta soijajogurtilta emmekä innostuneet sen dippi-ulottuvuudesta, mutta ruoanlaitossa se toimi erinomaisesti.

Sain tuotetta niin monta purkkia että sitä tuli testatuksi monessa. Parhaimpina kuitenkin vuosien takaa itselleni tuttu savulohikastike, jota en ole syönyt sen jälkeen kun jätin pastan (siitä on enemmän vuosia kuin osaan laskea). Pannulle siis sipulia ja vaikka porkkanakiekkoja, ehkä sieniä, ja Yosa Ruoka&Dippiä. Kylmäsavulohta suikaleina sekaan ja keitellään hiukan kasaan. Autenttinen maku! Todella hyvää.


Toinen kokeiluni joka sai käsittämätöntä ylistystä Lihansyöjän taholta oli lihasuikalekastike, joka syntyi suunnilleen samalla tavalla. Palaute kuului häikäisevästi “melkein yhtä hyvää kuin isän lihakastike lapsena”. Toisin sanoen varmaan juuri yhtä hyvää, aika kun kultaa muistot ja maut… Siis helkkarin maukasta ja Yosa tuo hyvän rakenteen, pitää raaka-aineet kasassa.


Ruoka&Dipin lisäksi saimme läjän erilaisia smoothieita ja “jogurtteja“, joista kaikista Lihansyöjä piti valtavasti samoin kuin kollegani töissä, jossa tarjoilin muutamia makuraadille. Ja mm. punaiset marjat -niminen tuotos sai vakiystävän puheterapeutistamme. Vanilja-Yosa olisi myös hyödyllinen jälkiruokatyyppisissä ratkaisuissa, vaikka juustokakuissa, jos sellaisia haluaa tehdä.

Oma vatsani on niin herkkis, ettei Yosa valitettavasti sovi ruokavaliooni kuin kovin harvoin, mutta suositan kyllä erityisesti Ruoka&Dippiä arjen ja juhlan pelastajana, kun täytyy saada täyteläistä maidotonta ja gluteenitonta ruokaa. Veikkaan, että Yosa lähtee vielä maailmalle! Ja huom. Yosa Ruoka&Dippihän on myös täysin kasvipohjainen eli hellii myös vegaaneja.


A Junk of Meat

Filed under: Alakarppi,Arkiruoka,Gluteeniton,Lihaa,meat,paleo — Meri @ 21.10

…and what to do with it. I arranged a huge (well not huge but 130 kg anyway) order of meat some weeks ago. The idea was to buy some well kept (meaning ethical raising conditions) grass-fed meat of a quality beef from Highland Cattle. The whole procedure was more than easy and so the day arrived and our 10 kg share of meat. Six kilos minced meat, two kilos soup meat and two kilos silverside roast (or bottom side roast, ulkopaisti in Finnish).


Minced meat’s a piece of cake and the soup meat’s obvious. But in care anyone’s wondering what to do with the silverside roast here’s an ultimately easy and delicious recipe.

Love me tender

  • silverside roast
  • butter
  • garlic cloves
  • meat bouillon, from a cube or a fond (NOT containing MSG)
  • a carrot

Cut the roast into rough cubes. Fry on a pan in loads of butter to get a nice tan for the cubes. Put into an oven casserole together with peeled whole garlic cloves, cut carrot and enough beef bouillon to cover the meat. Cover the dish with a tin foil and let it cook in the oven 1,5 or 2 hours on a mild heat (150 degrees or so). Remove the tin foil and let it still cook for about an half an hour. And whoomp there it is! Tender, garlicky, tasty meat. Can’t get any better than this. Veeeeery paleo.

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